Three year old Pre-school
Karlie Deming, Teacher
Madelyn Rodgers, Assistant
Four year old Pre-school
Shantel Pierotti, Teacher
Debbie Reynlods, Assistant
Michele Hannahs, Teacher
Brooke Wolosewicz, Assistant
First and Second Grade
Buffy Merrick, Teacher
Maria Hoffmann, Assistant
Third and Fourth Grade
Keri Baldwin, Teacher
Amy Stevens, Assistant
Fifth and Sixth Grade
Kathy Greville, Teacher
Music Teacher
Kathy Greville
Art Teacher
Maggie Graham
Spanish Teacher
Melissa Smith
Physical Ed
Danny Neighbour
Amanda Kemick and Sue Rae
Child Care
Barb Moore, Vicki Etter, Amanda Boone, Michele Hannahs,
Shantel Pierotti, Keri Baldwin and Karlie Deming
Amy Stevens
(Funded through the United Way of Bradford)
Jill Neighbour