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Drop Off
We are going to continue to ask parents to wish their kids a good day at the front door. This
allows us to have a clear handle on who is entering the building, helping to ensure the safety of staff and students. It also helps limit the exposure since we have made masks optional.

Your child (grades 1-6) may come inside starting at 7:45 am and go directly to their classroom.
Students arriving before 7:45am must go to childcare (rates are $5.25/hour, starting at a ½ hour). Kindergarten kids can be dropped of at 11:30am and class begins at 11:45am. Students arriving before 11:30am must go to childcare (rates are $5.25/hour, starting at a ½ hour).
Preschool kids can arrive at 8:15am and go directly to the room, class begins at 8:30am. Students arriving before 8:15am must go to childcare (rates are $5.25/hour, starting at a ½ hour).

Please remember to keep the area with the yellow curb clear of cars, this space is for the school bus/van transporting students.

Please respect the parking laws (this is also a police request we hear every year) by using the
school side of Jackson Avenue on all days EXCEPT Tuesday. This includes refraining from pulling up right outside of the school to quickly drop your child off!

Please send your child with their own water bottle each day. We do have the ability to allow them to refill this at school. Your classroom teachers will let you know about snack, as some request you send one with your child and some ask for donations.
You will need to send your child with a packed lunch each day.

Children in 1 st grade and above can send the ice/freezer packs in their lunch boxes. Children in Preschool and Kindergarten may not use the ice/freezer packs. These kids eat lunch in the childcare room and the license through the Department of Human Services does not allow the use of those packs, as they are viewed as a safety concern. So, Preschool and Kindergarten kids will put their lunches in the refrigerator located in the upstairs office.

Please pay school fees on or before the 1 st of each month. You can put these payments in the
regular mail, use the mail slot in the left door of the building or handing it to our staff greeting you at the front door. For those families (grades K-6 & live in PA) that applied for scholarship, we typically find out in October if you qualify. However, it is typically closer to January before we are given the size of the scholarship. So, please continue to pay your tuition amount as normal until the scholarships are awarded. This allows the school to keep up with their monthly budget and essential bills allowing us to operate.

Child Care
Please understand that Child Care operates with a license from the Department of Human
Services. We have additional paperwork and requirements for students that attend the child care program. We will make sure you have the paperwork, it is absolutely necessary to have that paperwork back, and updated when needed. Thank you for cooperating. Children who attend at hourly rates, will be billed at the end of each month.

The first drop off time is at 7:00am and last pick up time is no later than 5.15pm.
Your family might qualify for subsidy in paying for childcare fees. Please use this link to find out if you are eligible.



Please contact the school (calling the office at 814-368-6622) or the teacher directly if your child is not coming to school. The teacher will make arrangements for you to get the daily assignments,if needed. If your child has had a fever, diarrhea or vomited in the last 24 hours, please keep them at home. If your child is sent home from school for any of these symptoms, they will need to stay home for at least the following school day. They should be fever free (without the use of fever reducing medicine), vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours to return to school. Thank you for being honest and courteous. Other contagious illnesses (such as strep throat or pink eye) would require a doctor’s note or 24 hours of antibiotics before kids can return.

Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:00AM (after 11:45am for Kindergarten).
If your child needs to leave early for any type of appointment, please either let their teacher know or call the school office. This gives us time to have the student finish their work and be prepared to leave.

Your child’s teacher will let you know the best way to contact them. Please let them know the best way to get in touch with you. Some classes have private Facebook groups, which is a great way to follow along with their activities and announcements. The school also has a Facebook page that distributes information, reminders and inclement weather closures.

Please know that you can always call the school (814-368-6622) or email us at If it is something more pressing, please call the school as we do not always have someone at the computer to receive emails.

Pick Up
Families are going to wait outside to pick up their children at the end of the school day. Pick up
time for grades 1 through 6 is at 2.15. Pick up for Kindergarten is at 2.30. Preschool pick up is at 11:00 am. This makes it easier to for families to park, with a staggered pick up time. Please
remember not to block the yellow strip of curb directly in front of the building. This is reserved
for the bus and/or vans that pick up our students. Please remember that our neighbors are very patient and supportive of the school, so respect their driveways and properties. On Tuesdays parking is on the opposite side of the school. If you are picking up your child from childcare pleaseus e the callbox from the front door, and we will walk your child down to you.

We ask that you continue to be respectful of our TLC family and using home tests if your child
shows any symptoms of Covid. Please know that the current CDC guidelines state for 5 days of
isolation beginning the first day after a positive test. They also suggest wearing a mask for the
following 5 days. Our main objective surrounding COVID is to keep students and staff healthy and keep our doors open. So, please do your part in helping us do that!

2023-2024 Registation Form

CD 51
Child Health Assessment

CY 321
Daycare Agreement

CY 867
Emergency Contact/
Parental Consent


© 2020 The Learning Center - Bradford, PA 

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